A Peculiar Privilege

What peculiar privilege has this little agitation of the brain

which we call thought, that we must thus make it the model

of the whole universe?…Sound philosophy

ought carefully to guard against so natural an illusion.   – David Hume


These little agitations of the brain

are not the stuff of which our world is wrought

What matters only matter in the main?


But what is matter? Where is it? In vain

we search, for all our search reveals is thought –

“this little agitation of the brain”


This mind anomaly should not detain

us, we should seek as we have always sought

for matter – it’s what matters in the main


When skepticism conquers, what remains?

No more than mind and that with which it’s fraught

these little agitations of the brain


But we are hard and skeptical and sane

and teach anew as we ourselves were taught:

What matters only matter in the main?


How will you measure what is not contained

by space? You must agree they count for naught –

these little agitations of the brain

What matters? Only matter in the main.